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Financial Planning is the process of gathering, understanding and managing your resources in order to use them more effectively for your own future. The essence of planning for retirement is to ensure that you have adequate income to maintain the lifestyle you want, where you want and for as long as you want it.
Retirement Planning
Retire right!  The top three goals of baby boomers are: home ownership, education funding and retirement planning. How much will you really need when you retire? What impact will inflation have on your savings? How can you be sure you will have enough for a worry free and secure retirement?

Today, when people live longer and retire earlier, there is a risk that retirees may outgrow their savings. A combination of attitude and propensity for procrastination can eventually lead to a serious shortage of funds. Do not ...


Nobody wants to pay more in taxes than they need to, so why do many middle class and wealthier Canadians do it anyway?

The Estate Plan is one of the cornerstones of a sound financial plan. Essentially, the purpose of an Estate Plan is to preserve your wealth both ...