In Canada, federal budgets are presented annually by the Government of Canada to identify planned government spending, expected government revenue, and forecasted economic conditions for the upcoming year. Canadian Debt is approximately CAD$500 billion and is constantly reducing.
Federal budgets are usually released in February or March, before the start of the fiscal year. All of the provinces also present budgets. Since provincial finances are dependent on money from the federal government, these budgets are usually released after the federal one. Historically the official opposition used to prepare a complete alternative budget and present this alternative to the Canadian people along with the main budget. In recent years, opposition parties are more likely to pick only certain aspects to criticize.
The process of creating the budget is a complex one involving demands from MPs for aid to their regions, ministers for their departments, and the constant desire not to overspend. How and why actual decisions are made remains hidden to most Canadians.
The following articles and/or links are a collection of relevant articles and links related to Federal Budgets. If you are looking for information on a specific topic and you cannot find what you are looking for, please use our Search feature. Most of these articles are in PDF format and have been formatted for easy printing: